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Engineering Projects

Bio-Inpired Design

In this project, our team consisting of Andy Occhipinti, Stamen TIntikov, and myself, was tasked with designing and building a robot that could travel 3 meters using bio-inspired locomotion. We utilized 1/4" acrylic, an Arduino Mega, and position servos to create our robot. With an open-ended design challenge, we were able to use our imagination to create a robot that outperformed the rest and finished first in the class.

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Big Robot & The Ravager

During my high school years, I designed and built two 120 lb robots for Bots IQ battles. The Big Robot was my junior year project, where I gained in schematics and gear reductions. The Ravager was my senior year project, which had a more thought-out design with two drum weapons instead of a single spinning weapon like the Big Robot.

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GE's Jet Engine Bracket Challenge

This challenge was open to the public for the purpose of optimizing weight of the given bracket and presenting a new solution. Stamen Tinkikov, Frank La Marca and myself worked on running a hypermesh optmization program to the inital piece, generating a new solution, and perfoming an FEA analysis on the new solution based ont he given load conditions. 

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